转眼间,2024 年又要过去了。在这辞旧迎新之际,让我来回顾一下我的 2024 年,充满「改变」的一年。
阅读全文Some of the greatest problems we face today are the destruction of our environment. Brown clouds, polluted water, endangered wild animals…, these problems seem so huge.
So my family does what we can. We take cloth bags to stores instead of using plastic bags. We walk where we don’t have to drive…
But does it do any good? When I am the only one in line at the market with cloth bags, am I doing any good? Does my walking to stores make any real difference to the world?
阅读全文送丢的是 maimai FESTiVAL 的限定卡,最后快递赔了 385 CNY
阅读全文入坑 maimai でらっくす 啦(
4 月 29 日去摸了一下舞萌 DX 2022,5 月 13 日游到日本去摸了一下最新最热 maimai でらっくす FESTiVAL+
今天(2023-04-05)下午,大量用户发帖反应自己的 Microsoft 365 E5 开发人员订阅被封禁,订阅被设置为过期状态,我自己的订阅也被封掉了